Lucky and Zorba

Animation  Italy 

The seagull, named Lucky, is a free-spirited bird who is caught in the midst of an environmental disaster - an oil spill caused by a sinking petrol ship. She manages to escape the black tide and finds herself in a garden, where she meets a kind and gentle cat named Zorba.

Lucky is gravely injured and can sense that she is about to die. In her last moments, she makes three requests of Zorba - that he protect her egg from predators, care for the egg until it hatches, and teach the baby seagull how to fly.

Zorba agrees to fulfill Lucky's promises, although he is somewhat hesitant at first. He has never cared for a bird's egg before, and he isn't sure how to teach a baby seagull to fly. Nevertheless, he sets about fulfilling Lucky's wishes, using all of his feline wit and resourcefulness to protect the egg and raise the baby seagull.

Over time, Zorba becomes deeply attached to the baby seagull, whom he names Afortunado ("Lucky" in Spanish). He teaches the bird everything he knows about flying and navigation, and the two form a strong bond that transcends the boundaries of species.

As the baby seagull grows stronger and more independent, Zorba realizes that it's time for him to let go. He helps the young bird take flight, celebrating as Afortunado soars into the open sky.

Despite its simple premise, Lucky and Zorba is a heartwarming and deeply moving film that explores the themes of friendship, loyalty, and the power of inter-species relationships.

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