Luca is a 2021 Pixar animated film directed by Enrico Casarosa with a screenplay by Jesse Andrews and Mike Jones. The movie is set in a picturesque Italian coastal town where a young sea monster named Luca (voiced by Jacob Tremblay) lives with his parents. One day, Luca ventures out from the safety of the water and discovers a human boy named Alberto (voiced by Jack Dylan Grazer) who is also a sea monster.

The two become fast friends and embark on a summer adventure exploring the town, trying Italian cuisine and attempting to win a Vespa scooter by competing in the local race. They also encounter a girl named Giulia (voiced by Emma Berman) who becomes entangled in their secret.

However, things take a turn when Ercole Visconti (voiced by Saverio Raimondo), a local bully and champion racer, discovers their secret and threatens to expose them to the town. With the help of Giulia and her father, Massimo (voiced by Marco Barricelli), the trio works together to not only protect their identity but also win the race and prove their strength and worth.

As the summer draws to a close, Luca and Alberto must face the reality of returning to their underwater world and the challenges of fitting into their respective worlds. The film explores themes of acceptance, friendship, and the courage to be oneself. Luca is a heartwarming and visually stunning movie that will delight viewers of all ages.

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