Love At Least

Romance,Drama  Japan 

Love At Least is a Japanese romantic drama film released in 2018, directed by Koji Fukada. The movie revolves around Yasuko, a young woman who is dealing with mental illness and hypersomnia. Despite being suggested by her psychiatrist to spend more time with people, her social circle is limited to her boyfriend, Tsunaki, who is not very supportive. She is also trying to come to terms with her ex-girlfriend, Misaki, who is still in love with Yasuko and wants to get back with her.

The movie showcases the struggles of Yasuko, who finds it difficult to cope with the pressures of everyday life. Simple tasks like grocery shopping, bathing, and cooking seem like daunting challenges for her. Yasuko's job as a nurse is also on the line, as her boss has noticed her constant tardiness and inability to focus. However, she finds solace in her friendship with her colleague, Sachi, who is a cancer patient.

As the story unfolds, Yasuko navigates her way through her various relationships and tries to find meaning in life. Tsunaki seems emotionally detached, and Misaki's approach to reconnecting with Yasuko is aggressive. On the other hand, Sachi offers an empathetic ear, allowing Yasuko to open up and share her feelings. Sachi's kindness inspires Yasuko to take small steps towards bettering herself, including an attempt at getting treatment for her illness.

Love At Least is a bittersweet movie that portrays the complexities of mental illness and the difficulties of relationships. It is a poignant story of a woman who is trying to find her footing in a world that can be unforgiving. The performances by the cast are exceptional and the direction by Koji Fukada is sensitive and nuanced. Overall, Love At Least is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys thought-provoking drama.

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