Louis Theroux: The Most Hated Family in America is a documentary that follows British journalist Louis Theroux as he spends time with the Phelps family, the leaders of the Westboro Baptist Church. The film delves into the beliefs and practices of the group, which is widely regarded as a hate group due to its virulent anti-gay rhetoric and protests at funerals of soldiers and other public figures.

During his time with the Phelps family, Theroux speaks with various members of the group, including founder Fred Phelps, his daughters Shirley and Margie, and various grandchildren. He attends a church service, where he observes the group's preaching against homosexuality and other perceived sins. He also accompanies the family to several protests, including a picket at a high school, where they protest the school's tolerance of homosexuality.

Throughout the documentary, Theroux tries to understand the motives and beliefs of the Phelps family, and challenges them on their extreme views. He also speaks with former members of the church, who share their stories of leaving the group and the toll it took on their lives.

The film sparked controversy upon its release, with some viewers criticizing Theroux for giving a platform to the Phelps family and their hateful messages. Others praised the documentary for shedding light on the group's beliefs and practices, and offering a rare glimpse into the world of a hate group.

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