Louis & Luca: Mission to the Moon is a Norwegian animated adventure movie that follows the story of a small village named Pinchcliffe that decides to participate in an international race to the moon. The ambitious mission is led by the brilliant inventor Reodor, who has developed a rocket that he believes can propel them to the moon.

However, the rest of the village thinks the mission is impossible and ignores Reodor's idea. Determined to make his dream come true, Reodor enlists the help of his friend, the clever and resourceful bird named Luca the Magpie.

Together they embark on a dangerous journey to the moon, overcoming numerous obstacles and facing many challenges. But they soon realize that their mission is in jeopardy when a rival team of space explorers tries to sabotage their rocket, putting their lives in danger.

Louis, an orphan boy who lives in the village, joins the crew as a stowaway and helps them to complete their mission. The movie is filled with heart-warming moments as the team works together to overcome the odds and fulfill their dreams of reaching the moon.

Louis & Luca: Mission to the Moon is a family-friendly movie that features stunning animation and a charming storyline. The movie is a perfect watch for those who love adventure and action-packed movies.

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