The movie Lou Reed & John Cale: Songs for Drella is actually a filmed performance of the album, recorded in 1989 at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. The film was directed by Ed Lachman and produced by David Geffen.

The performance features Lou Reed and John Cale on vocals and guitar, accompanied by a backing band that includes drummer Maureen Tucker, also a former member of The Velvet Underground. The set design includes a large screen backdrop of projected images, including photos of Warhol and his artwork.

In addition to the songs from the album, the performance also includes a few additional Warhol-related tracks, such as "Walk on the Wild Side" (which features lyrics referencing Warhol's Factory) and "Heroin" (which was a staple of The Velvet Underground's live shows during Warhol's management).

Between songs, Reed and Cale offer anecdotes and insights into their relationship with Warhol, providing context for the songs and adding to the overall narrative of the show.

Overall, Lou Reed & John Cale: Songs for Drella is a moving tribute to a legendary artist, showcasing the talents of two of his closest collaborators while honoring his enduring legacy.

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