Lost Child

Drama  United States of America 

Lost Child is a thrilling drama film directed by Ramaa Mosley that follows the story of army veteran Fern, played by Leven Rambin. She returns to her childhood home in the rural American South after her father's death. While wandering in the woods, Fern discovers a young and traumatized boy named Cecil, played by Alex Shaffer, who has apparently been abandoned.

Fern suspects that the boy may have been abused or abducted, and takes him in to care for him. As she looks for clues about Cecil's past, she comes across local folklore about an evil entity that is said to prey on children. The Tatterdemalion is a life-draining spirit that appears in the form of a child, and according to the stories, it is responsible for the disappearances of many children in the area.

Fern becomes obsessed with protecting Cecil from The Tatterdemalion, and her investigations lead her deep into the woods where she uncovers some shocking secrets about her family's past. As she tries to unravel the mystery of Cecil's identity, and protect him from the malevolent entity, she is forced to confront her own demons from her traumatic experiences as a soldier.

Lost Child is a gripping and suspenseful film that explores the themes of trauma, redemption, and the power of family ties. The impeccable performances by the lead actors, stunning cinematography, and haunting soundtrack make Lost Child a must-watch for anyone who enjoys dark, atmospheric thrillers.

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