Lord of the Flies is a novel written by William Golding, which was later adapted into a movie. The story revolves around a group of boys who get stranded on an uninhabited island during a time of war. The boys were on a plane that crashed on the island, leaving them with no adult supervision.

Initially, the boys try to organize themselves, appointing Ralph as the leader. They begin to work towards being rescued, building shelters and maintaining a signal fire that will attract the attention of passing ships.

However, as time passes, the boys start to degenerate into savagery, driven by their fear and desire for power. A power struggle develops between Ralph and Jack, another boy who is more interested in hunting and gaining control over the group.

The boys' behavior becomes increasingly violent, with the killing of pigs and eventually, one of their own. They start to lose their sense of humanity, lashing out at each other and excluding those who do not fit into their perceived social order.

In the end, the boys are rescued by a passing military ship, but the tragic outcome of their time on the island remains. Lord of the Flies is a dark exploration of human nature, showing how quickly society can break down in the absence of rules and structure.

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