Looking for Eric is a 2009 British-French comedy-drama film directed by Ken Loach and starring Steve Evets and Eric Cantona. The film follows the story of Eric Bishop, a middle-aged postman and Manchester United fan who is going through a rough patch in his life, struggling with personal and family problems, as well as haunted by memories of his past. In a moment of desperation, he turns to his footballing idol Eric Cantona for guidance.

To his surprise, Cantona appears in his life as a figment of his imagination, giving him life lessons and advice about how to turn his life around. With Cantona's help, Eric begins to rebuild his relationship with his ex-wife and repair his bond with his stepsons, as well as face his fears and confront his past mistakes.

The film also explores themes such as friendship, family, masculinity, and the power of imagination and storytelling. It received positive reviews from critics and was praised for its heartfelt performances, humor, and social commentary. Eric Cantona's cameo and witty dialogue were particularly highlighted. The film won the Prize of the Ecumenical Jury and the Vulcain Prize for the Technical Artist at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival.

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