Long Time Dead is a horror movie directed by Marcus Adams and released in 2002. The film centers around a group of six friends, all students at a London university, who decide to have a night of fun by using a Ouija board to communicate with spirits. However, things take a terrifying turn when they inadvertently summon an evil spirit that becomes trapped in their world.

The group begins to experience strange occurrences, including unexplainable noises and objects moving by themselves. As the demon grows stronger, they realize that they have unleashed something far more dangerous than they could have imagined. They desperately try to find a way to banish the demon before it's too late.

One of the group members, a skeptic named Lucy, becomes convinced that the spirit is using their own fears against them. As the situation becomes increasingly dire, they race against time to decipher the demon's true identity and find a way to stop it. But with each passing moment, their chances of survival grow slimmer.

As the demon rampages through their lives, the group must confront their deepest fears and secrets in order to defeat it. With no other option, they journey into the darkness of the unknown, praying that they'll come out alive on the other side. The movie builds up to a shocking and terrifying climax, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

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