Long Lost is a psychological thriller film directed by Erik Bloomquist. The movie revolves around Seth, a young man who receives a strange letter inviting him to visit a secluded mansion in the countryside. Curious and intrigued, Seth decides to accept the invitation and travels out to the location, unaware of the strange events that are about to take place.

Once he arrives at the mansion, Seth is greeted by his long-lost brother Richard, who he hasn't seen in years. Richard and his wife, Abby, seem to know a great deal about Seth's past, and their strange behavior makes him feel unsettled and suspicious.

As the weekend progresses, Seth becomes more and more convinced that something sinister is happening. He begins to uncover dark secrets about his brother and his mysterious wife, and soon finds himself caught up in a web of deceit and betrayal.

Long Lost is a tense and suspenseful film that will keep viewers guessing until the very end. With great performances and a gripping storyline, it is sure to leave an impression on anyone who watches it.

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