Watch Long Gone Wild Movie English subtitles online

Endangered Emperors: The Orca Crisis

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Long Gone Wild is an upcoming documentary film that explores the continued captivity of orcas in marine parks and the impact it has on their physical and mental well-being. The film is directed by William Neal and is produced by Dr. Ingrid Visser, a marine biologist and expert on orcas.

The film begins by examining the aftermath of the critically acclaimed documentary Blackfish, which exposed the cruel treatment and conditions that orcas face in marine parks like SeaWorld. Long Gone Wild expands on this narrative by exploring the ongoing captivity of orcas and the ethical implications that arise from keeping these highly intelligent and social creatures in confinement.

The film features interviews with former orca trainers, marine biologists, and animal welfare advocates who shed light on the complex issues surrounding orcas in captivity. It also highlights the growing movement to retire orcas from marine parks and release them into sanctuaries where they can live out their lives in a more natural habitat.

Long Gone Wild aims to raise awareness about the plight of captive orcas and spark a conversation about the future of marine mammal captivity. The film is set to be released in 2021.


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