Living Still Life is a unique and haunting film set in a dystopian future where the world is on the brink of collapse. The story follows a woman named Charlotte, who lives alone in a remote house and spends her days collecting dead animals and restoring them to life using her unique method of filming them image by image.

As the film progresses, we learn more about Charlotte's life and the reasons behind her unusual behavior. We discover that she was once a talented photographer who was forced to abandon her passion when the world around her began to crumble. Now, she has turned to these DIY resurrections as a way to hold onto the beauty and wonder that she feels has been lost in the world.

Throughout the film, we see images of Charlotte meticulously filming each animal as she brings them back to life. We also see her strange interactions with the few humans she encounters, including a young boy who stumbles upon her home and develops a bond with her.

Living Still Life is a haunting and meditative work that explores themes of loss, grief, and the power of art to heal and transform. It is a thought-provoking and visually stunning film that will stay with viewers long after the credits have rolled.

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