Little Lips

Drama  Spain,Italy 

Little Lips (original title "Piccole labbra") is a 1978 Italian film directed by Mimmo Cattarinich. The movie revolves around 20-year-old writer Andrea who returns home to his vast estate after serving in World War I. He has lost his leg and suffered a severe injury to his genitals which leaves him deeply depressed.

Andrea's family and friends try to cheer him up, but nothing seems to work. Eventually, he becomes so disenchanted with life that he contemplates suicide. However, his life changes when he meets his caretaker's 12-year-old niece, Eva. Eva is a war orphan who is living with her aunt and uncle in Andrea's manor.

Andrea becomes fascinated with Eva and begins to watch her from afar. Eva, who is curious and adventurous, realizes that Andrea is watching her and starts to play along. Initially, Andrea is afraid of his attraction to a young girl, but he later discovers that Eva's innocent approach to life and her budding sexuality helps him well on his recovery.

Although Andrea and Eva's relationship is platonic, it raises eyebrows among the other people living in the manor. Some of them find it inappropriate and warn Andrea about the potential danger of his actions. Still, Andrea finds solace in Eva's companionship, and the two develop a deep bond.

The movie is controversial and has been criticized for promoting pedophilia. Some have even called it child pornography. Nonetheless, it has been praised for its cinematography and exceptional performances, especially from the lead actors Pierre Clémenti and Katya Berger. Little Lips has since become a cult classic among a certain group of moviegoers, but it remains highly divisive.

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