Liquid Sky is a science-fiction film that was released in 1982. Directed by Slava Tsukerman, the film is a unique blend of eroticism, drug use, and extraterrestrial exploration. The movie features a cast of unknown actors who deliver mesmerizing performances.

The plot of the movie revolves around the arrival of invisible aliens on Earth. These aliens are looking for heroin, but soon discover that the pheromones produced by the human brain during orgasm are much more potent than any drug they have encountered before.

The aliens land on the roof of an apartment building in New York City, where they encounter a drug dealer named Adrian and her lover, an androgynous fashion model named Margaret. Adrian is heavily involved in the drug scene and sells heroin to her customers. Margaret is a bisexual nymphomaniac who has multiple partners of both sexes who she engages in casual sex with.

As the aliens begin to realize the power of the human orgasm, they start to target Margaret's lovers, who begin to disappear after having sex with her. This strange phenomenon is witnessed by a German scientist who has been following the alien's journey to Earth.

Meanwhile, an equally androgynous male model named Jimmy is also addicted to drugs and becomes involved in the alien's activities. Despite the bizarre events unfolding around them, the characters continue to indulge in drugs and casual sex.

The movie is an exploration of the hedonistic lifestyle of the 1980s and the obsession with pleasure and excess. It also features a unique soundtrack that blends electronic music with opera and other classical forms. The visuals of the movie are stunning, with neon lights and avant-garde fashion adding to the overall surrealistic feel.

Overall, Liquid Sky is a cult classic that is unlike anything else in cinematic history. It is a provocative and thought-provoking film that challenges conventions and pushes boundaries.

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