The movie Line of Duty centers around Frank Penny, a cop who was previously disgraced for mistakenly killing a child during a high-speed chase. When the police chief's daughter is kidnapped by a ruthless criminal named Marconi, Frank sees an opportunity to redeem himself and sets out to rescue the girl. In the process, he ends up killing Marconi and realizing that the abductor he killed was not the real kidnapper.

Now, Frank is on the run from both the police and the kidnapper's accomplices, who are out for revenge. To protect himself and the girl, Frank teams up with Ava Brooks, a news anchor who is live-streaming his every move. As they work together to find the real kidnapper and bring him to justice, Frank and Ava must navigate dangerous situations and stay one step ahead of their enemies.

Throughout the movie, Frank struggles with guilt over his past mistakes and his desire for redemption. He also forms a bond with the kidnapped girl, who reminds him of the child he accidentally killed years ago. As the clock ticks down and the danger intensifies, Frank and Ava must rely on each other and their wits to survive and save the girl.

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