Lina from Lima

Drama  Argentina,Peru,Chile 

The film Lina from Lima is a touching and poignant portrayal of a woman who has left her home and family to search for a better life in a foreign country. Lina, who is played by Magaly Solier, is a hard-working and determined woman who has dedicated herself to providing for her family. Despite the challenges she faces, Lina remains focused on her work and is committed to making a better life for herself and her son.

As the film progresses, we see Lina struggling with the loneliness and isolation that comes with living in a foreign country. Though she is able to connect with Clara, the young girl she is caring for, Lina is unable to form meaningful relationships with the people around her. This leads her to seek out casual sexual encounters with strangers, which provide her with temporary relief from her loneliness but leave her feeling even more isolated and alone.

Throughout the film, Lina is shown as a woman of deep faith and spirituality, and it is her faith that ultimately helps her to find a sense of peace and acceptance in her life. Despite the difficulties she faces, Lina remains true to herself and her values, and her journey is an inspiring testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit.

Overall, Lina from Lima is a moving and thought-provoking film that explores themes of identity, belonging, and isolation. With its powerful performances and beautiful cinematography, the film is sure to resonate with audiences of all ages and backgrounds.

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