Like Dogs is a psychological thriller that explores the darker side of human behavior. It follows a group of college students who participate in a behavioral experiment that treats them like animals. The experiment is led by Dr. Jameson, a respected professor in the field of psychology.

The students are put in a controlled environment and are forced to behave like dogs, with rewards and punishments administered based on their actions. As the experiment goes on, tensions rise among the students, and they begin to turn on each other.

Maggie, a deeply troubled student, begins to manipulate the experiment to her advantage. She starts to use her knowledge of dog behavior to gain power within the group, and as the others submit to her dominance, Maggie becomes increasingly violent and unpredictable.

As the experiment spirals out of control, the students and the research team are forced to confront the consequences of their actions. Like Dogs is a dark and disturbing film that questions the ethical boundaries of scientific research and explores the fine line between animal instincts and human behavior.

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