"Light Sleeper" is a 1992 American crime drama film written and directed by Paul Schrader. The film follows John LeTour, a drug dealer in his mid-40s who delivers drugs to wealthy clients in New York City. He is a man trapped in a life he doesn't want, struggling with addiction and haunted by his past mistakes. His boss, Ann, has faith in him, but she's also wary of his emotional instability.

John's life takes a turn when he runs into his former girlfriend, Marianne, at a party. Marianne is a recovering addict who left John when she got clean. He's still in love with her but is also resentful of her for leaving him. He starts to question his life choices, and his introspection is exacerbated when he meets a new client, a wealthy couple, Jack and Tanya, who use him for their frequent drug deliveries.

John's personal struggles are paralleled by a series of murders that are happening in the city. The victims all have some connection to the drug trade, including one of John's clients. He starts to become paranoid that he's being targeted by the killer.

As John tries to unravel the mystery of the murders, he also grapples with his own morality. He has a crisis of conscience about the harm he's doing to the people he's supplying with drugs and wonders if he can continue to live this way. He starts to confide in his AA sponsor, Ann, who tries to help him find the strength to make a change.

The film has a powerful sense of melancholy and introspection, as John navigates his own demons while being drawn into a web of violence and intrigue. Willem Dafoe delivers an excellent performance as John, capturing the character's vulnerability and pain convincingly. "Light Sleeper" is a gripping and atmospheric crime drama that is both emotionally resonant and thought-provoking.

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