Light It Up is a 1999 drama film directed by Craig Bolotin. The story revolves around six high school students from different backgrounds who find themselves in a standoff with the police after one of them accidentally shoots a cop in self-defense.

The main characters include Lester (played by Usher Raymond), a talented basketball player struggling to support his family; Steph (played by Rosario Dawson), a female student who takes on a leadership role; Rodney (played by Clifton Collins Jr.), a troubled student with a history of violence; Ziggy (played by Robert Ri'chard), a young student with a crush on Steph; and Rivers (played by Forest Whitaker), a sympathetic teacher who tries to negotiate with the police.

The film explores the social and economic issues that lead to the students' frustration and desperation, such as poverty, racism, and lack of opportunities. It also highlights the consequences of police brutality and how the media can manipulate public perception.

As the tension rises, the students use their wits and courage to navigate the situation and make their demands known. They demand better resources for their school, opportunities for their community, and justice for their friend who was wrongfully accused of a crime.

The movie received mixed reviews from critics but was praised for its realistic portrayal of urban youth and its commentary on social injustice. It also features a soundtrack with songs from popular hip-hop artists such as Jay-Z and Noreaga.

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