Lifted is a CGI-animated short film produced by Pixar Animation Studios in 2006. It is directed by Gary Rydstrom and stars the voices of Bret 'Brook' Parker and Erica Beck as the two main characters.

The story follows a teenage alien named Stu who is eager to prove himself as a skilled abductor. His instructor, Mr. B., assigns him the task of abducting a sleeping farmer from Earth. Stu excitedly takes the controls of his spaceship but quickly realizes that abducting humans is not as easy as he had thought.

Throughout the film, Stu struggles with a variety of obstacles such as navigating the spaceship, dealing with the farmer's snoring and his own overconfidence. Through trial and error, he eventually learns that precision and a gentle touch are crucial to a successful abduction.

The film is filled with humorous moments as Stu bumbles his way through his mission, including accidentally beaming up a cow and nearly crashing the spaceship. Despite his setbacks, Stu remains determined to succeed and eventually manages to complete his assignment with Mr. B.'s approval.

Lifted was nominated for Best Animated Short Film at the 79th Academy Awards but lost to The Danish Poet. It was later released on DVD as part of the Pixar Short Films Collection Volume 1.

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