Liberty: Mother of Exiles is a documentary film that explores the history and symbolism of the Statue of Liberty. The film follows the journey of sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, who first envisioned the statue as a gift from France to the United States in celebration of the two countries' shared values of freedom and democracy.

The documentary explores the challenges Bartholdi faced in creating such a monumental statue, including finding funding and navigating political tensions between France and the United States. It also delves into the significance of the statue's design and symbolism, including the torch representing enlightenment, the broken chains at her feet representing freedom from slavery, and the tablet in her hand representing the law.

Throughout the film, viewers are introduced to people from around the world who share their personal connections to the statue and what it represents to them. From refugees seeking asylum in the United States to political activists fighting for freedom in their own countries, the Statue of Liberty has become a powerful symbol of hope and inspiration for millions of people around the world.

Liberty: Mother of Exiles not only provides a fascinating look at the history of the Statue of Liberty but also highlights the ongoing relevance of its message in today's world.

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