Let's Scare Jessica to Death Movie streaming site

Hallucinations of the Undead

Horror,Mystery,Thriller,Drama  United States of America 

Let's Scare Jessica to Death is a horror film released in 1971. The movie revolves around Jessica, who has just been released from a mental ward and is attempting to reintegrate into society. She, along with her husband, Duncan, and their friend, Woody, decide to move to an isolated country house in upstate New York.

On their way, they encounter a mysterious young hitchhiker named Emily, who they offer to give a ride to. Emily tells them that she is going to the same town they are and she knows about the house they are moving in. Jessica feels uneasy about Emily but her husband ignores her and lets Emily come with them.

Once they arrive at the house, they discover that it is already occupied by the ghost of Abigail Bishop and that Emily is not who she appears to be. Horrifying visions plague Jessica, and she begins to believe that she is going insane once again. As she delves deeper into the mystery of the house and its inhabitants, she realizes that the danger is real.

The film is a slow-burn horror movie, relying on suspense and psychological terror rather than jump scares and gore. Its atmosphere is hauntingly beautiful, captured by the cinematography of Victor J. Kemper and the ethereal score of Orville Stoeber.

Let's Scare Jessica to Death is a landmark in horror cinema, garnering a cult following and influencing other horror films in the years to come. Its ambiguous ending allows for interpretations and makes the movie all the more unsettling.


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