In the movie Leap of Faith, Jonas Nightengale is portrayed as a cunning and charismatic figure who preys on people's vulnerabilities and faith in order to make money. He uses elaborate tricks and staged "miracles" to convince audiences of his divine powers, while his manager Jane facilitates the scam by selecting and coaching participants for the healing ceremonies.

When the troupe arrives in Rustwater, they find a town that is suffering from a severe drought and economic hardship. The locals are initially wary of Jonas, but he manages to win them over with his charm and promises of rain and salvation. He performs a series of healings, including a dramatic scene where Boyd - the disabled boy - stands up and walks for the first time in years. This event attracts national media attention and further cements Jonas' reputation as a miracle worker.

However, as the story progresses, Jonas begins to experience doubts and conflicts about his own faith and motivations. He meets Marva, a local woman who takes care of Boyd and who challenges his selfish and materialistic worldview. He also has encounters with sheriff Braverman, who exposes some of his lies and encourages him to come clean with the people.

In the climactic scene of the movie, as Jonas is about to perform another "miracle" in front of a massive crowd, he has a crisis of conscience and admits to his fraud. The rain finally comes, but as a natural occurrence, not as a result of his fake prayers. The people of Rustwater, while initially devastated and angry, eventually forgive him and even thank him for helping them confront their own beliefs and values.

Leap of Faith is a cautionary tale about the dangers of false prophets and blind faith, as well as a redemption story about the possibility of change and growth even in the most unlikely circumstances.

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