Layer Cake is a British crime thriller film released in 2004. The movie is directed by Matthew Vaughn, who co-produced the film along with actor Daniel Craig. The movie is based on a novel by J.J. Connolly.

The story of the movie revolves around a drug dealer, identified only as XXXX (played by Daniel Craig), who operates in the London underworld. XXXX is a smart, smooth-talking businessman, who prides himself on following a set of strict rules. However, when he gets involved with a corrupt senior member of the criminal underworld, he soon realizes that not everyone plays by the same rules.

The movie follows XXXX as he tries to complete a drug deal involving a large shipment of ecstasy pills. However, soon after acquiring the pills, things start to go wrong. XXXX discovers that the pills belong to a notorious gangster, Jimmy Price (played by Kenneth Cranham), who is unhappy with XXXX's involvement in the deal.

To make matters worse, XXXX becomes entangled with a pair of violent and unpredictable low-level criminals, played by Ben Whishaw and Tom Hardy. As the tension and danger mount, XXXX has to use all his cunning and intelligence to stay alive and protect his investment.

Layer Cake features a complex plot, full of twists and turns. The movie is notable for its stylish direction, clever dialogue, and strong performances from the cast, particularly Daniel Craig in the lead role. The film was a critical and commercial success and is now considered a modern classic of the crime thriller genre.

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