Laws of Gravity is a 1992 independent crime drama film directed by Nick Gomez. The movie is centered around Jimmy and Jon – two young men from Brooklyn who are struggling to survive in the harsh conditions of the urban landscape. The movie follows these two guys as they navigate through a world of petty crimes, drug deals, and gang violence.

Jimmy and Jon have been friends since childhood, but as they get older, their paths diverge – Jimmy becomes involved with a local street gang, while Jon tries to stay clean and make something of his life. Despite their differences, the two friends remain close, and they continue to support each other through their struggles.

Throughout the movie, we see Jimmy and Jon dealing with the consequences of their actions. They get into fights, they get arrested, and they get hurt. But despite all of this, they never give up on each other.

Laws of Gravity is a gritty, realistic portrayal of life on the streets, and it features some outstanding performances from its cast. Peter Greene and Edie Falco, in particular, deliver powerful and nuanced performances as Jimmy and his girlfriend Denise. The movie is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, and it's a must-see for anyone who appreciates raw, honest filmmaking.

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