Laughing Under the Clouds is an anime movie that provides a unique blend of action, adventure, and horror. It is set in a historical period where Japan is undergoing a transformation from a country ruled by samurais to the one that is in full industrialization mode. In this era, the Kumou brothers have taken on the grim task of ferrying criminals to and from an inescapable prison in the middle of a vast lake.

As the story progresses, we see that the Kumou brothers are not just ferrying people but also fulfilling their family's role in sealing the Orochi, a terrifying serpent-like beast that awakens every three hundred years in a human vessel. The Kumou family has a long-standing tradition of keeping the Orochi at bay and ensuring that it does not come to full power; otherwise, the world would be plunged into chaos and destruction.

However, despite the seriousness of their work, the Kumou family leads relatively peaceful lives, and they are aided by their faithful housekeeper Shirasu Kinjou. Soramaru is the second son and the one who takes his role as the ferryman most seriously, while Tenka, the eccentric head of the family, provides comic relief with his carefree attitude towards life. Chuutarou, the youngest brother, is learning the ropes and trying to find his place in the family.

The movie portrays an atmosphere of mystery and suspense as the Kumou brothers discover that the Orochi has awakened once again in a human vessel. They must race against time to seal the beast away before it gains full strength. In their quest to fulfill their responsibility, the brothers are joined by a young girl named Botan, who is much more than what meets the eye.

As the countdown to the Orochi's full awakening continues, the Kumou family must find the inner strength to keep laughing under the clouds and accomplish their daunting task. The movie provides a thrilling and exciting ride that will keep you engaged until the very end.

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