Last Ounce of Courage is a 2012 American drama film directed by Darrel Campbell and Kevin McAfee. The film follows the story of Bob Revere, a small-town mayor who is also a combat veteran. Bob has been carrying a bitter root from his past, filled with heartbreaking loss. His grandson, Christian, comes back into his life after many years and asks him a powerful question: "What are we doing with our lives to make a difference?"

Bob realizes that he has become apathetic, along with the rest of his town. Together, they have allowed their freedoms to be taken away, and have lost their sense of hope. With Christian's question in mind, Bob decides to take action and inspire hope in his town once again.

Bob rallies a group of people, including children, to create an event that celebrates the freedoms that they have been neglecting. However, he soon faces resistance from the town's leadership, who are determined to protect their own interests. With his family and friends by his side, Bob fights back against this oppression and takes a stand for truth.

The cast of Last Ounce of Courage includes Marshall Teague as Bob Revere, Jennifer O'Neill as his wife Dottie, Fred Williamson as Warren Hammerschmidt, and Jenna Boyd as Christian's girlfriend, Maddie. The film received mixed reviews upon its release, with some praising its uplifting message and others criticizing its heavy-handed approach to patriotism and politics.

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