Last Night in Soho is a psychological thriller film directed by Edgar Wright and stars Anya Taylor-Joy, Thomasin McKenzie, and Matt Smith. The film follows the story of a young fashion design student named Eloise, who has a unique ability to time travel and enters the 1960s era of London. Eloise is fascinated by the fashion and music of the time and becomes infatuated with her idol, a young and charming singer named Sandy.

Eloise's journey into the past begins as a thrilling and exhilarating adventure, but she soon realizes that something is not quite right. As she delves deeper into the mystery of the past and her connection to Sandy, she uncovers secrets and hidden dangers that threaten to destroy her.

The film explores themes of obsession, identity, and time while juxtaposing the glamour and allure of the 1960s era of London with its dark and troubling underbelly. The breathtaking cinematography and exquisite set design create a vivid and immersive experience, transporting the audience into the heart of an era that defined an entire generation.

Last Night in Soho is a riveting and haunting tale that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats until the very end. With a talented cast and a masterful director at the helm, it promises to be a cinematic masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression on viewers.

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