Last Days is a drama film released in 2005, written and directed by Gus Van Sant. The main character, Blake, is portrayed by Michael Pitt, who is said to represent the musician Kurt Cobain. The story revolves around the final days of the character, who is a troubled rock musician dealing with creative struggles and immense loneliness.

Blake is shown as a recluse who spends most of his time in his mansion in the woods, away from the world. He is surrounded by a group of acquaintances who visit him, seeking money or drugs from him. Throughout the course of the movie, it becomes clear that Blake is dealing with a lot of internal struggle as well as external pressures from those around him.

The film's portrayal of Cobain's final hours is seen as controversial, with some criticizing it as insensitive and inappropriate. However, others defend the film and Van Sant's interpretation as a respectful and artistic exploration of Cobain's complex character.

Throughout the film, Last Days explores themes of mental illness, addiction, and the damaging effects of fame and isolation. Michael Pitt delivers a nuanced and haunting performance, portraying the character's descent into darkness with sensitivity and pathos.

Overall, Last Days is a poignant and thought-provoking film that offers a glimpse into the mind of a troubled artist on the brink of self-destruction. It is a must-watch for fans of Kurt Cobain and those interested in the darker side of fame and creative expression.

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