Last and First Men is a science-fiction documentary film directed by the Icelandic composer Jรณhann Jรณhannsson. It is based on the novel of the same name by British science-fiction author Olaf Stapledon, which was first published in 1930. The film uses stunning visual effects and a haunting musical score to present the story of a future race of humans that is on the brink of extinction.

The film takes place two billion years in the future, when humanity has evolved into a new form of life. These beings are the last surviving members of the human race, and they are facing a profound crisis. Their world is dying, and they must find a way to save themselves before it is too late. The only hope for survival lies in understanding the strange and surreal monuments that are scattered throughout their world.

These monuments are relics of the past, built by long-extinct civilizations that once inhabited the world. They are immense and intricate structures, filled with hidden symbols and messages. The beings that inhabit this world must decipher the meaning of these monuments and use them to unlock the secrets of the past, in order to find a way to save their world from destruction.

As the beings journey through their world, they encounter strange and surreal landscapes, filled with towering spires, sundered cliffs, and alien ruins. They also encounter the ghosts of the past, in the form of holographic projections and echoes of the voices of long-dead civilizations. Through these encounters, they gain insight into the mysteries of their world and the fate of the human race.

Last and First Men is a haunting and beautiful meditation on the fragility of life and the power of memory. It is a tribute to the incredible scope of human imagination and the infinite possibilities of the future.

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