Lantern's Lane is a horror movie that follows Taylor, a recent college graduate who decides to visit her hometown. Taylor is excited to reunite with her high school friends and reminisce about old times. However, she soon learns that there is an urban legend surrounding Lantern's Lane, a secluded and eerie road.

According to the legend, a group of witches lived on Lantern's Lane many years ago. They were burned alive by the townspeople for practicing dark magic. It is said that their spirits still haunt the road to this day, seeking revenge on those who dare to venture there.

Taylor and her friends, who are skeptical of the legend, decide to take a drive down Lantern's Lane. However, they soon discover that the legend is all too real. They are stalked by the vengeful spirits of the witches and are forced to fight for their survival.

As the night progresses, the group begins to turn on each other, with tensions rising and secrets coming to light. Taylor must confront her own past and face the reality of the evil that lurks on Lantern's Lane.

Lantern's Lane is a terrifying tale of friendship, betrayal, and the consequences of delving into the unknown. Through breathtaking cinematography, spine-chilling sound effects, and a gripping storyline, it will keep audiences on the edge of their seats until the very end.

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