The movie Land of Dreams follows the story of Simin, an Iranian woman who has moved to the United States and is working for the Census Bureau. As part of her job, she is tasked with recording the dreams of American citizens.

However, as Simin becomes more involved in the program, she begins to uncover a sinister plot. The government is using these dreams to control and manipulate its citizens. Simin is torn between her compassion for the dreamers and her duty to report the truth.

As Simin delves deeper into the world of recording dreams, she must grapple with her own personal demons. She is reminded of her past in Iran, where she fought for her own freedom, and must reconcile that fight with the reality of her job in America.

Through it all, Simin learns what it truly means to be a free American. She discovers that freedom is not just a concept or idea, but a state of mind. And ultimately, she must choose between her loyalty to her country and her loyalty to herself and her beliefs.

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