Lamp Life is a new animated short film from Disney and Pixar that explores the backstory of Bo Peep, one of the beloved characters from the Toy Story franchise. The film takes place before the events of Toy Story 4 and answers the question of what happened to Bo after she was given away by Andy's family between the second and third films.

As the title suggests, the film focuses on Bo's life as a lamp, a role that she took on to adapt to her new surroundings. Through a series of flashbacks, we see Bo's adventures and experiences as a lamp, including how she met her new friend Giggle McDimples and reunited with Woody in Toy Story 4.

The film also explores Bo's character development and how she became the strong and independent leader that we see in Toy Story 4. Lamp Life is a heartwarming and nostalgic addition to the Toy Story franchise and a must-watch for fans of Bo Peep and the series as a whole.

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