Lambada, also known as The Forbidden Dance, is a 1990 romantic drama film directed by Joel Silberg. It follows the story of Kevin Laird, a passionate high school teacher who inventively uses the sexy Latin dance called Lambada to capture his students' attention and get them excited about learning.

Kevin is a gifted dancer who enters underground dance competitions at night under the stage name Blade. He becomes famous for his smooth dance moves and becomes involved in a romantic relationship with Sandy, a street-smart young woman who is also a talented dancer.

However, Kevin's double life is threatened when a student named Kelly becomes jealous of his attention towards Sandy and exposes his secret to the entire school. This revelation causes a major scandal that puts Kevin's job, reputation, and relationship with Sandy at risk.

As the tension mounts, Kevin must decide whether to continue living his double life or to come clean and pursue his true passion for dancing. Along the way, he discovers the importance of following his heart and fighting for what he truly believes in.

Lambada is a classic 90s film that showcases the allure of the popular dance craze of the same name, while also touching on larger themes of following your dreams and standing up for what you believe in.

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