Lake Artifact is a horror-comedy film that follows a group of five friends who venture into a cabin in Upstate New York for a weekend getaway. The group consists of Ben, his girlfriend Rachel, their friend Greg, Greg’s girlfriend Michelle, and Michelle’s friend Anna. Things take a strange turn when they find a mysterious artifact by the lake, which seems to emit strange vibrations. The artifact's presence in the cabin causes time and space to function without reason, leading to a series of bizarre and disturbing events that cause the group to slowly turn on one another.

As the strange occurrences begin to escalate, the group starts to experience intense hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia. The artifact's effects begin to take a physical toll on their bodies, leading to bloody injuries and brutal violence. The group soon becomes convinced that the artifact is haunted by an evil presence, and they begin to fear for their lives.

As the horror of their situation becomes more apparent, the group falls into chaos, turning on each other and engaging in violent and depraved acts. The final act of the film is a twisted and intense climax that reveals the true nature of the artifact and the fate of the remaining survivors.

Overall, Lake Artifact is a gripping and darkly comedic horror film that explores the limits of human sanity and the dangers of playing with forces beyond our understanding.

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