The movie La mossa del cavallo, also known as The Move of the Horse, is a crime drama based on the novel by Andrea Camilleri. The story follows Giovanni Bovara (played by Fabrizio Gifuni), a newly appointed chief inspector of the mills in Montelusa, Sicily in 1877. Bovara is tasked with collecting a severe tax from the local mill owners, which causes tension and opposition among the Sicilian locals.

Despite being Sicilian by birth, Bovara's upbringing in Northern Italy has made him unfamiliar with the traditional code of silence that dominates Sicilian culture. This lack of understanding and his strict enforcement of the tax laws immediately causes many to view him as an outsider, including the town's mayor, Don Nenè (played by Ninni Bruschetta).

As Bovara delves deeper into the investigation, he uncovers a web of corruption, illegal gambling, and murder, and becomes entangled in a dangerous game of chess with the town's criminal underworld. Along the way, he also meets and falls in love with a local woman, Lia (played by Valentina Bellè), who helps him navigate the treacherous landscape of Sicilian society.

The movie is directed by Gianluca Maria Tavarelli and features a talented ensemble cast that includes Beppe Fiorello as the corrupt mill owner, Carlo Marvuglia, and Vinicio Marchioni as the mafioso, Carmine Abbate. The intense drama, beautiful cinematography, and captivating performances make La mossa del cavallo a must-see for fans of crime thrillers and Italian cinema.

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