La Luna is a 2011 Pixar animated short film directed by Enrico Casarosa. The film follows a young boy named Bambino as he goes on a boat trip with his Papa and Grandpa to work on the family's unique job. The job is revealed to be cleaning the moon's surface, and the family uses brooms to sweep away the stars and create a smooth surface for the night.

As Bambino learns about the job, he begins to struggle with choosing whether to follow his Papa's more pragmatic approach or his Grandpa's more dreamy, imaginative approach. Through a series of challenges and conflicts, Bambino learns to combine the best of both methods and forges his own path in the family's line of work.

The film is notable for its stunning hand-drawn animation, which captures the whimsical tone of the story. The use of light and shadow, especially on the moon's surface, creates a mystical atmosphere that is both unique and captivating. La Luna was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film in 2012 and serves as a testament to Pixar's continued innovation in storytelling and animation.

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