Knights of Newgate revolves around the story of a secret temple, located beneath the bustling city of London. The temple is guarded by an immortal knight, named Edward Kabot (played by Christopher Fenwick) who has been protecting the key to Hell for centuries.

However, his task of guarding the key is threatened when a powerful demon named Mammon (played by David Schaal) finds out about its existence and sets his eyes on possessing it. Kabot finds himself in a battle against Mammon for control over the key and ultimately, the fate of humanity.

Alongside Kabot, we see the role of a young thief named Jack (played by Daniel Jordan) who becomes enmeshed in the dangers of the underground world while searching for his missing sister. Jack’s encounter with Kabot and Mammon becomes the beginning of a deadly journey that could change the course of his life forever.

As these central characters make their way through this thrilling adventure, they must overcome supernatural horrors and confront their own personal demons. Knights of Newgate is an action-packed horror film that weaves together an intriguing plot, with exceptional performances, to create a thrilling and entertaining cinematic experience for audiences.

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