Klaus is a heartwarming animated Christmas musical film that was released on Netflix in 2019. The film tells the story of Jesper Johansson, a lazy and spoiled young man who is sent to work as a postman in the icy town of Smeerensburg. Jesper discovers that the town is divided into two bitter factions who are always fighting with each other, and the children of the town are not interested in sending any letters.

When Jesper is about to lose his job, he meets Klaus, a mysterious and reclusive carpenter who lives alone in a cabin filled with handmade toys. When Jesper delivers one of the toys, Klaus is surprised and delighted to see that a child has received it. From this point onwards, Jesper and Klaus team up to deliver more toys to the children of the town.

Their acts of kindness and generosity begin to change the atmosphere of the town, bringing the people together and healing old wounds. As the story unfolds, we learn more about Klaus's past and how he became a recluse. Together, Jesper and Klaus bring true Christmas spirit to Smeerensburg and it becomes clear that Klaus is not just an ordinary carpenter - he is, in fact, Santa Claus himself.

The film has been praised for its beautiful animation, catchy songs, and heartwarming messages about kindness, generosity, and the true meaning of Christmas. It received widespread critical acclaim and was nominated for Best Animated Feature at both the Academy Awards and the Golden Globe Awards.

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