Kiss of the Damned is a stylish and sultry vampire drama directed by Xan Cassavetes, daughter of legendary filmmaker John Cassavetes. Set in modern-day New York, the film follows Djuna (Josephine de La Baume), a reclusive vampire who lives alone in a lavish mansion on the outskirts of town. Djuna is an artist who spends her days painting and reading, and keeps mostly to herself, except for the occasional blood-crazed feeding spree.

One night while out hunting, Djuna meets Paolo (Milo Ventimiglia), a charming screenwriter staying at a nearby cabin for the summer. Despite her initial reluctance to get involved with a human, Djuna is drawn to Paolo's wit, intelligence, and passion for life. They begin a torrid affair that spirals out of control as Djuna struggles to keep her true nature a secret from Paolo.

Things get even more complicated when Mimi (Roxane Mesquida), Djuna's younger and more impetuous vampire sister, shows up unannounced and throws a wrench into Djuna's new romance. Mimi is reckless and volatile, and she doesn't care about hiding her true nature from humans. She quickly becomes enamored with Paolo and sets out to seduce him, threatening both his life and Djuna's way of existence.

As Djuna tries to keep her sister under control and protect Paolo from both Mimi and herself, she realizes that her entire vampire community is in danger, as the territorial and militant vampire pack led by Xenia (Anna Mouglalis) is threatening to expose their existence to humans. Djuna must navigate treacherous waters to survive and protect the ones she loves in a world where being different can be deadly.

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