Kings of Mulberry Street: Let Love Reign is a heartwarming comedy-drama film that follows the adventures of two young boys, Ticky and Baboo, living in the bustling Indian township of Verulam, Durban during the 1980s. Ticky is a mischievous and street-smart kid who dreams of being a gangster. In contrast, the sweet-natured Baboo is more reserved and focused on getting good grades.

However, their worlds are turned upside down when they hear that Granny Chetty, Ticky's grandmother and the pillar of their small community, has been kidnapped by the fallen Commander Veerasamy. He was once a respected police officer but has now turned to a life of crime. He is holding the Granny for ransom, and Ticky and Baboo are determined to rescue her.

But the boys soon learn that they can't take on Veerasamy alone. In a stroke of genius, they come up with the idea of pretending to be Bollywood celebrities to distract and confuse Veerasamy long enough to rescue Granny. The plan is risky, but they are determined to save the day, no matter what it takes.

As the boys immerse themselves in their roles, they encounter unexpected challenges, including a budding romance that threatens to distract them from their mission. However, their determination and love for Granny Chetty keep them focused on their goal.

The film is a moving tribute to the power of friendship, family, and the importance of community. It is a delightful and touching tale that will inspire viewers of all ages to reach for their dreams and follow their hearts.

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