
Comedy  United States of America 

Kingpin is a 1996 sports comedy film directed by the Farrelly brothers and starring Woody Harrelson, Randy Quaid, Vanessa Angel, and Bill Murray. The story follows Roy Munson, a promising young bowler who loses his hand in a bowling alley accident after getting involved with dangerous hustlers. After years of depression and alcoholism, Munson discovers an Amish man named Ishmael, who is a skilled bowler and promises to help him win a lucrative tournament in Reno, Nevada. The two men embark on a journey to gather a team of players and make their way to the championship, facing various obstacles and challenges along the way. Munson also confronts his arch-nemesis, Big Ern McCracken, a former bowling champion who had double-crossed Munson years ago and left him penniless. The film is known for its raunchy humor, unconventional characters, and surreal imagery, as well as its exaggerated depiction of the sport of bowling.

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