Kingdom of the Spiders is a 1977 horror film directed by John "Bud" Cardos and starring William Shatner. The film follows Rack Hansen (Shatner), a small-town veterinarian who becomes suspicious after a number of farm animals mysteriously die. He discovers that the cause of their deaths is hordes of migratory tarantulas that are heading towards the town.

As the spiders continue to multiply, Rack tries to warn the authorities and take action to stop their spread. However, his warnings go unheeded and soon the entire town is overrun by the killer spiders. Rack and a group of townsfolk take refuge in a remote hotel as they try to find a way to survive the spider invasion.

Throughout the film, the spiders are portrayed as being unusually aggressive and deadly. They attack humans and animals alike, using their venom to quickly kill their prey. The film features several scenes of horrifying spider attacks, including one involving a young girl who is bitten by a tarantula and dies shortly after.

Overall, Kingdom of the Spiders is a classic creature feature that capitalizes on people's natural fear of spiders. Although the special effects may appear dated by today's standards, the film remains a favorite among horror fans due to its thrilling storyline and impressive performances by the cast.

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