King Size

Comedy  Poland 

In King Size, we meet the young scientist, Max, who is determined to find a cure for his height deficiency. He is constantly teased by his colleagues and has trouble finding a girlfriend. One day, while working late in the library, he discovers a hidden potion that shrinks him down to the tiny world of Shuflandia.

There he meets the Big Eater, who is impressed by Max's intelligence and makes him his personal assistant. Max quickly learns that life in Shuflandia is tough with strict rules and regulations. He longs to return to the larger world where things are much more interesting and diverse.

One day, Max meets a beautiful woman from the larger world who has accidentally stumbled into Shuflandia. They both quickly fall in love but face the challenge of how to get her back to the larger world. The Big Eater agrees to help but only if Max can find a way to convince the woman to convince him to stay in Shuflandia.

Max and the woman hatch a plan to create a revolution in Shuflandia, with the hope of convincing the Big Eater to let them leave. Chaos ensues as they dismantle the Big Eater's power and convince the other dwarves to abandon their strict ways. Soon enough, the dwarves are growing big and leaving Shuflandia, much to the chagrin of the Big Eater.

In the end, Max and the woman return to the larger world, with a newfound appreciation for the freedoms and diversity it offers. The story ends with the Big Eater accepting his defeat and Max finally finding the confidence and self-love he always lacked.

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