The story of King of Thorn follows Kasumi and a small group of survivors who awake from cryogenic sleep to find that the world they knew has been destroyed by the Medusa virus. They are trapped in a facility known as "The Castle," which has been overrun by monstrous creatures that hunt them relentlessly. The survivors must work together to escape the facility and uncover the truth behind the virus and their own survival.

Throughout the movie, Kasumi must deal with the trauma of waking up in a world she doesn't recognize and the guilt of being one of the few who were given the chance to survive. She is joined by a diverse group of characters, including a brother and sister team with a troubled past, a tough-talking soldier, and a brilliant scientist who may hold the key to stopping Medusa.

As the survivors make their way through The Castle's maze-like corridors, they must also navigate complex emotional dynamics and personal demons. The film explores themes of isolation, survival, and the value of human life, as well as the role of science and technology in our lives.

Ultimately, King of Thorn is a pulse-pounding science fiction adventure that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. With stunning visuals, inventive creature designs, and a powerful story, it is a must-see for fans of the genre.

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