Killing Eleanor is a dark comedy-drama film written and directed by Rich Newey. The story centers around Eleanor (Annabelle Gurwitch), an elderly woman who is terminally ill and wants to die on her own terms. She approaches a struggling drug addict named Max (Jared Abrahamson) and offers to pay him in clean urine if he helps her end her life.

Max, who is battling his addiction and personal demons, is initially hesitant but eventually agrees to the deal. As they spend more time together, Max begins to form a bond with Eleanor and realizes that she has a number of regrets from her past that she wants to make amends for before she dies.

Together, they embark on a road trip to complete Eleanor's bucket list, which includes things like visiting the house she grew up in and reconnecting with her estranged daughter. Along the way, Max confronts his own issues while fulfilling Eleanor's last wishes.

As the day of Eleanor's planned death approaches, Max finds himself torn between his loyalty to Eleanor and his growing affection for her. He must decide whether to go through with the plan or risk facing the consequences of breaking his promise.

Killing Eleanor explores themes of friendship, redemption, and the complicated nature of end-of-life decisions. It features strong performances from Gurwitch and Abrahamson and offers a unique perspective on a sensitive topic.

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