Killers Anonymous is a psychological thriller movie that explores the psyche of people who have committed murder. The film focuses on a group of individuals who come together to attend an anonymous support group called Killers Anonymous. This group is meant for people who have killed others and feel guilty or ashamed about it.

One day, a member of the British Parliament named Ben (played by Elliot James Langridge) is attacked in his home by an unknown assailant. As he is rushed to the hospital, the media speculate on who the attacker could be. Meanwhile, the members of Killers Anonymous start to suspect that one of their own is responsible for the attack.

The film takes place in a single night as the group meets to discuss their darkest urges and to try to identify the person responsible for the attack on Ben. As they talk, secrets are revealed, tensions rise, and the group becomes increasingly paranoid that they are being watched by the police.

The suspense builds as each member's story is revealed, and the true nature of their darkest impulses is exposed. The film's climax is a tense and action-packed showdown that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.

Overall, Killers Anonymous is a gripping thriller that delves into the complexities of the human psyche and the dark desires that drive some people to kill.

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