Kill Ben Lyk is a thrilling and suspenseful black comedy film directed by Erwan Marinopoulos. The movie follows the story of a YouTube personality, Ben Lyk, who discovers that someone is systematically killing all the people who share his name. Terrified by the news, he decides to take matters into his own hands and tracks down the rest of the Ben Lyks in London to warn them of their impending doom.

As the plot thickens, it becomes clear that there is a sinister motive behind the killings, and the Ben Lyks are being targeted for a bizarre reason. With the help of a furious and brilliant detective named Inspector Langdon, the group of Ben Lyks must evade the murderer and stay alive as they try to solve the mystery behind the murders.

The film is full of hilarious moments, nerve-racking suspense, and unexpected twists that keep the audience guessing until the end. The characters are all unique and well-developed, with each Ben Lyk having their strengths and weaknesses. Despite the dark subject matter, Kill Ben Lyk manages to maintain a light and playful tone that keeps the audience engaged from start to finish.

Kill Ben Lyk is an exciting, funny and entertaining film that is sure to become a cult classic. With its intriguing storyline, impressive cast, and witty humor, it is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys thrillers with a comedic edge.

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