Kids Return

Comedy,Drama,Crime  Japan 

Kids Return is a Japanese film directed by the renowned filmmaker Takeshi Kitano. The movie follows the lives of two schoolboys, Shinji and Masaru, who are notorious for their disruptive behavior in the classroom. They often bully and play pranks on their classmates, and their teachers have given up on them.

After graduating from high school, Shinji and Masaru take different paths in life. Shinji becomes a boxer, hoping to make a name for himself in the ring, while Masaru joins a local Yakuza gang, looking for money and power. However, the harsh realities of life soon catch up with them.

Shinji struggles to make a living as a boxer, facing tough opponents and injuries along the way. Meanwhile, Masaru gets deeper and deeper into the world of organized crime, facing dangerous rivals and risking his life for his gang.

As the two friends navigate their respective paths, they soon realize that there are no easy shortcuts to success. They grapple with their own insecurities, dreams, and desires, and question whether their choices reflect who they truly are.

Kids Return is a powerful coming-of-age drama that explores the themes of friendship, loyalty, and identity. It showcases the talent of Takeshi Kitano as a filmmaker and actor, and features a memorable cast of characters who leave a lasting impression on the audience.

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